When booking an appointment, either here online, on the phone, or in the office, you will receive a practice member application that will be filled out and returned to us. If you book online you can fill it out online and send it back to us, or if you prefer, you can also fill it out electronically when you come in for your first visit.

After we receive the application, the doctor will go over some of it with you. At Harvest Chiropractic we are seeking complete health. Therefore, you may be asked questions beyond those regarding your main complaint. The body functions as one whole complete system, so we will be looking at everything. 

Once completed with your history we will be performing orthopedic and neurologic evaluations that are relevant to your specific case to gain a further understanding of what is taking place.

With complete understanding of each individual case we will be able to help you understand your current state, give recommendations to help, and allow you to join and get started to a healthier better life.

*On rare occasion, if any redflags are present, you may be referred for x-rays or MRI

We Listen. We care. We can Help.